Sunday, October 19, 2008

I have a DREAM

I once read from a Chinese book, it said "People are great because of dreams" (人因梦想而伟大). I not sure I translate it correctly or not? From my point of view, these mean that peoples can archive anything if they dare to DREAMS and work hard for it. For example if a person has a dream to be a famous singer and work hard for it, for sure he or she sure will succeed in the end. But if a person has a very good voice but he/she never think that he/ she will be a famous singer, he/she will never be a singer. So I wish to make a assumption that a person will never achieve something if they did not dreams of it.

As for me, my dream for now is to earn my first million before 30 years old. I know that this is very hard for people around me to think I will make it. Some even laugh when I told them this is my dreams.

Why I want to become a millionaire before 3o years old. Actually this thought happened when I read a book “How to become a millionaire before 30 years old”. This book influence me a lots for my dreams. Before I read this book, I always think to become a millionaire. But at that time, I not sure how to do it and when I will achieve it? After reading that book, I had set my target to become a millionaire before 30 years old. How can I become a millionaire? I now started to learn business by helping my dad in his shop. Beside that, I also started to gain information about shares although now is not the good time to enter the market. I think that business is one of the fastest ways to reach my goal. So wish me luck guys.

So start DREAM BIG from today!! I will quote the slogan from NIKE, “Just Do it”. Do not ever let the hardship in life destroy our dream!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rubik's Cube

I know Rubik's cube is a toy that exists for decades. But, I think it is still one of the popular toys that can be found in market. I bought my first Rubik's cube when I was only 12. At that time, I use the trial an error methods to solve the Rubik's cube. Unfortunately, I still can not solve it until now. The best I can do is arranging one part of the surface. Lately, I had surf though the net to find the ways to solve it. I am amaze that there are plenty of websites that provide the information I needs. I found one website that very useful and easy to solve Rubik’s cube for a newcomer i.e.!cube-164664612456222223235433533655446426313555145114113261!detailed So, how about think of buying a Rubik's cube when you go to a toy shop. I just bought mine with just about RM 4. It is a very interesting toy with a low price that you wouldn't want to miss it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First timer

This is my first time really writing a blog. I had heard a lot about blog for years and this is the first time I write. Finally I have become blogger. Who am I? I am a very ordinary person, 21 years old, still studying. My english is not good espesially grammar parts. I hope I can improve english from writing blog.